From a local network perspective, this is as easy as typing ssh a client such as Putty (i.e. There may be some situations in which you would like to connect to your Raspberry Pi (or any other Linux machine, for that matter) in order to do maintenance routing, such as updating or configuration, through SSH. Why Would I Need to Access my Raspberry Pi Terminal and Desktop From the Internet? system update commands, shutdown/reboot commands, etc.). SSH stands for Secure Shell and is a secure communication protocol for executing commands remotely on a *nix based computer (i.e. *nix (Linux-based and Unix-based operating systems) have a fundamental feature to grant you access to your Linux server without having to physically visit the server or computer through the network.

What better way is there to let your Pi ‘talk to the world’ than to let it have a good, fast internet connection? Therefore, in this post, we will be discussing the options you have at hand on how to SSH into your Raspberry Pi from outside of your local network such as WiFi or LAN. Talking about IoT (both hobby and industrial/commercial level), the reason for integrating such a powerful microprocessor-based computer into a project or a product is the sheer processing power and expandability it brings to the table. Since its first announcement on February 29th, 2012, Raspberry Pi has made its way into hobby gaming consoles, industrial automation plants, smart avionics, and more.

Raspberry Pi Single Board Computers are becoming more popular among both hobbyists and industrial IoT device vendors.